Whimsical October;


Song of the week; Le Beau Monde

People are stories,
swan-white ensembles. 
Embroidered white and wine-stained.

Always smiling, but never happy.

October sees white roses in re-bloom. A second bloom.
Fresh cut roses in each room.

She says things in her sleep.

You wear sweaters in the summer inside, why?
Because it's cold. She feels the cold.

One walks in her sleep, the other talks in her sleep, the other is full of nightmares.

People say what they wish.

Ghosts are memories, thoughts, places.

A re-imagined histoire. Re-written by those who were not there. 
History erased her.

Tell me, what's inside your locket?
You know what's inside my locket?
I am.
You both are.


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